20 People .NET Developers Should Follow on Twitter

I have been tweeting for quite some time now and I have found it to be a very interesting way to stay top of the technical pulse of .NET, jQuery, and numerous other technologies and tools.

For those of you developers that have recently started using Twitter, here is a brief list of 20 people that I think you would gain a lot of insight from by following.

Please understand that there are many others that I could list, but for brevity I chose only the top 20. The following individuals are in alphabetical order.

Please feel free to add a comment with your favorite top developer twitter individuals. I would love to follow them and I'm sure others would as well.

*Note: My interests mainly revolve around Microsoft ASP.NET, ASP.NET MVC, ASP.NET AJAX, other .NET Technologies, jQuery, JavaScript, XHTML, CSS, XML, etc...

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