Bye Bye Tech Tweets

As you probably noticed I haven’t been blogging as much as I used to. With church, family, work, and tech tweets it seems my free time has dwindled down to nothing.

I want to refocus on blogging again for this year. Not only do I enjoy sharing the things that I learn, but by doing so I tend to learn the topic even better than I did in the first place. Also, many of my conference presentations are based off blog posts that I've authored previously. 
So, something needs to give for me to have extra time for blogging and giving up Tech Tweets is what I've chosen. Giving up Tech Tweets wasn't an easy decision for me because I've lived and breathed it for probably the past 5 years or so. It is now in my nature to scour the internet for the latest in front-end news. In order for this to work like I want to I'll need to resist the urge to research everything and share it immediately. I'll need to now depend on the others who are currently doing the research. 
Thankfully there are many other avenues to get similar information that I've been providing. Many great resources have cropped up recently that allow you to get front-end news, articles, and library information in a daily or weekly manner. I'll be blogging about what resources I recommend you to follow in the near future. These are the same resources that I'll be using to keep myself up to speed on what is going on.
I am not giving up Twitter or anything. I still will be active on social media, but any tech tweets you see from me will probably be retweets from other resources or just interesting things that I came across that day. Who knows, I might get pulled back into the whole tech tweeting again, but even if I do I'd like to keep it somewhat unstructured. Thank you all for following me and for regularly retweeting my tech tweets. I do appreciate it. My habbits are changing, but hopfully the posts will be of value to you as well. I have planned out numerous jQuery and jQuery Mobile posts that should keep me busy for quite some time. 
In addition to a renewed interest in blogging I will also focus on posting some content to the newly created Fresh Brewed Code website where many of my friends from the Nashville area are now blogging. I don't have any posts there yet, but expect some very soon!

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