Design Patterns and Dependency Injection

I just got back from a great ArcSummet event at the local Nashville Microsoft office.

Brian Prince and James Bender presented the following topicsโ€ฆ

Session One: Software Patterns by Brian Price
Patterns are an important tool to use as architects and developers. They provide a common vocabulary for us to design with, as well as a common approach to a common problem. Come learn about useful patterns, and how to use them in your everyday code.


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Session Two: How I Learned To Love Dependency Injection by James Bender
Dependency Injection is one of those scary topics that most developers avoid. It sounds all โ€˜high-falootinโ€™ and complex. Itโ€™s not. Really. We wouldnโ€™t lie. Itโ€™s a great way to manage complexity in your system, and a great way to make your system so much more testable. And isnโ€™t that what we all want?


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