Digging Into The FireQuery Add-on for jQuery

Yesterday I posted my first short Screenr screencast

Today I decided to record another screencast, and I decided to dig into the FireQuery add-on for Firebug.

FireQuery adds extra functionality to the HTML tab and allows you to visually see embedded data elements and event handlers that were added via jQuery. Also, the familiar jQuerify Bookmarklet has been built into Firebug allowing you to inject jQuery into pages that didn’t have it installed previously. This enables you to play around with jQuery or extract information for a webpage that might not previously have jQuery installed.


Yet again, I hope this was beneficial to you. If you enjoyed the presentation I would appreciate either a comment to this blog &| a tweet about it to share with others.

"Digging into the FireQuery Add-on for jQuery" by @elijahmanor #tech #nettuts #jquery #screencast http://j.mp/1T9RKE

Also, if you have any suggestions that you have to help become a better presenter I would appreciate that as well. If you have a minute, please add a comment with your thoughts.

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