ASP.NET AJAX Add-ons (FireAtlas & FireCookie) for Firefox's Firebug

Today’s screencast is the 4th in a series of developer Firefox Extensions. You can view my previous 3 short Screenr screencasts here…

For those of you that do ASP.NET or ASP.NET AJAX development, then the following Firebug Add-ons might be of interest to you.

FireAtlas is a tool that enables you to view the PageRequestManager events, trace WebService calls, inspect Partial Updates, and view any installed application components. You can actually try out some samples pages to exercise most of the functionality of this Add-on, but I will be viewing the twitter scheduler application TwtMstr (developed by @wbm) to demonstrate some of the features in my screencast.

FireCookie is another useful tool that allows you to view any cookies that are relevant for the current web page. This can be handy for an ASP.NET developer to inspect the .ASPXROLES, .ASPXAUTH, or ASP.NET_SessionId values that are common for most ASP.NET applications.


Yet again, I hope this was beneficial to you. If you enjoyed the presentation I would appreciate either a comment to this blog &| a tweet about it to share with others.

"#ASPNET #AJAX Add-ons (FireAtlas & FireCookie) for #Firefox's #Firebug" by @elijahmanor #tech #nettuts #screencast

Also, if you have any suggestions that you have to help become a better presenter I would appreciate that as well. If you have a minute, please add a comment with your thoughts.

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