My 7 jQuery Articles on Script Junkie

Recently a brand new Microsoft website has been launched called Script Junkie that focuses on JavaScript, HTML, CSS, and more…
<ul><li>Script Junkie Website </li><li>Twitter (@script_junkie) </li><li>Twitter List of Authors (@script_junkie/script-junkie-authors) </li><li>Script Junkie RSS Feed</li></ul>Over the past 7 months or so I’ve written 7 articles that are now available on Script Junkie. I was honored to write these articles for the launch of the website. I hope this clues you into why the blog posts on this site have been lacking.
<ol><li>Six Things Every jQuery Developer Should Know</li><li>How to Debug Your jQuery Code</li><li>History and Back Button Support</li><li>Intro to Error Handling in Ajax Apps</li><li>Custom jQuery Events and Selector Filters</li><li>How to Create Your Own jQuery Plugin</li><li>jQuery Test-Driven Development</li></ol>I am taking a break from writing for Script Junkie for a while. Our 3rd baby is due in August ;)
I hope you find the above articles helpful.

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